Thursday, 9 July 2009

Non-English Video Search

Found a couple of sites which provide non-english language video search, RuTube and YouKu, both obviously 'inspired' by YouTube (which I tend to use rather a lot).

More details of RuTube and YouKu are available.

Can't enter Russian or Chinese queries, so I tried some English ones.

I tried queries 'putin' and 'manchester united'. The former yielded this rather amusing video called 'Putin on the Ritz' further down the hitlist. Found lots of relevant stuff for the latter.

I tried queries 'Uighur' and 'manchester united' on YouKu, found more interesting stuff on the latter, music videos mostly on the former - the area being something of a sensitive subject at the moment.

Bottom line - English queries seem to work quite well on these systems, and its clear that the services have thought about cross language issues to some extent.

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