Sunday, 13 July 2008

Music Search

Music is a big part of my life, and I have a professional interest in search for music. Search Services for music are therefore of particular interest to me. A recent article in the Washington Post pointed me to a service called Jogli.

In order to set the scene for the searches I'm about to show you, I should give you some background. I recently read a most enjoyable book by Thomas Jerome Seabrook called "Bowie in Berlin", about Bowie's three year sojourn in Berlin, producing the Berlin Trilogy Albums 'Low', '"Heroes"' and 'Lodger', as well as writing and producing two albums with Iggy Pop, namely 'The Idiot' and a 'Lust for Life'. As virtually all of my Bowie Albums are on vinyl, I went mad the other day and bought the Berlin Trilogy + a lust for life and some other Bowie classics. These albums constitue my searches. Each search brings up Aritists, playlists, albums and individual clips (the albums also have video clips).

(h/t: Michael Fingerhut).

Links to all the posts in the series are available.

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